• Who we work for and who
    we hire are among the
    most important decisions
    any of us will ever make.
After 25 years in business BlackShire has suspended recruiting operations for the foreseeable future due to personal reasons. I would like to thank all our past customers for their business, candidates who sought out employment through our company and employees that have been part of the company’s success over the years. Thank you everyone.


Whether you are a company looking to hire or contract one of our talented candidates, or whether you are a job seeker looking to pursue a new and exciting opportunity, BlackShire is your recruiter of choice.


Job Seekers

At BlackShire, we focus strongly on Character when looking at prospective candidates: you can always train competence but you can never train character. Specifically, we emphasize on 5 main qualities...



We not only take on recruiting challenges where other search firms have failed to yield results but we also provide a Recruiting Service Guarantee.
No Results = No Fee

